Zoom Travel tin

Travel tin

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Denttabs to go: The travel tin is your new practical and sustainable storage option for the Denttabs toothpaste tabs. It is sold without content. 

Attention: We can guarantee the perfect condition of the tin at the time of goods issue. You must take care of hygienic storage on your own.

The parcel shipping is climate neutral via DHL. Shipping takes about 1-3 business days within Germany and 3-5 business days within the EU.

Travel tin



The travel tin can carry up to 80 toothpaste tabs, providing 40 days of worry-free travel capacity.


The material of the travel tin consists of wood chips and natural binders (biopolymers). The can is industrially compostable and saves essential resources.


You can use the tin for many other items: for example, you can fill it with small items such as jewelry.

Frequently asked questions

What material does the travel tin consist of?

The material of the travel tin consists of wood chips and natural binders (biopolymers). The FSC-certified wood comes from industrial and agricultural by-products and makes up a major part of the material. Biopolymers used are mainly raw materials or second-generation biomass that do not compete with food production, such as polyhydroxy fatty acids (PHA) and cellulose. PLA may also be included in small amounts. The material of the travel tin is shapeable, functional, and can be injection molded - just like conventional plastic. The material is robust, durable, and generally similar to high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

How should the travel tin be cleaned?

You should clean the tan with a bit of water and mild soap. Please wait until it has dried entirely before your refill.

How much does the travel tin weigh, and how many toothpaste tabs can it hold?

Capacity: 80 toothpaste tabs Can: 43g Tin incl. 80 toothpaste tabs: 64g Dimensions: 5.5cm diameter, 2.7cm height

How do I dispose of the travel can?

The travel tin should be disposed of via yellow garbage tin, as industrial composting is currently not appropriately implemented in Germany. However, we are convinced that the travel tin is a long-lasting product and, if well cared for, will only need to be disposed of after a long period of use.

How does the travel tin biodegrade in nature?

Regarding the environmental sustainability of the travel tin, it is noteworthy that the material biodegrades faster in the environment than pure PLA, which is often used for industrially compostable packaging. The travel tin is industrially compostable and does not leave microplastics behind when it enters waterways or soil, so it is not harmful to the environment. The material biodegrades in open habitats and under anaerobic conditions but nevertheless should be disposed of properly. The travel tin should be disposed of via yellow garbage can, as industrial composting is currently not appropriately implemented in Germany. However, we are convinced that the travel tin is a long-lasting product and, if well cared for, will only need to be disposed of after a long period of use

Less waste

The travel tin generates less waste from just the 5th toothpaste tube and leaves no microplastics in the environment.


The travel tin is 100% vegan. It contains no animal products or by-products and has not been tested on animals.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Zu schwer

Die Dose ist gut, aber für ihre Grösse viel zu schwer!! Man könnte die Wandstärke, vor allem die des Bodens, locker um einen drittel senken.

Harald Lee
Gut aber etwas zu klein

Die Dose ist leicht, schließt hervorragend und offensichtlich aus einem wenig umweltbelastendem Material. Ich würde mir aber mehr Volumen wünschen. Vielleicht geht es nur mir so, ich benötige je zwei Reinigungstabletten. Mit denen ich sehr zufrieden bin, aber gefühlt brauche ich halt zwei Stück (elektr. Zahnbürste). Ob eine oder zwei ist mir gleich, nur bei der Dosengröße passen dreiwöchige Urlaube nicht rein.

zu groß

Ich verreise häufig nur ein paar Tage (2-7) und möchte dabei möglichst leichtes Gepäck haben. Diese Dose bringt dafür keinen Mehrwert, ich könnte mit ähnlichem Volumen auch das Schraubglas mitnehmen. Im Gegensatz zu der Metalldose ziehen die Tabs aber keine Feuchtigkeit, sodass sie auch nach längeren Reisepausen noch gut schmecken.

Etwas große Reisedose

Im Vergleich zur alten Reisedose aus Metal ist die Dose größer geworden und benötigt mehr Platz.
Die Dose ist sehr stabil und gut zu öffnen.

Die Reisedose …

Ist extrem würzig und passt gut in unser Gepäck 👍🏻


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