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🤔 Arsenic, lead, cadmium? 🤔  

The Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office (CVUA) in Karlsruhe recently published a study in which ten alternative dental care products were examined for compliance with the limit values ​​for heavy metals. Unfortunately, some toothpaste powders and tablets were conspicuous.  

Such studies are extremely important! And they fit perfectly with our original topic: the infiltration of the body by potentially problematic ingredients such as those found in some toothpastes.  

What is unfortunately lost in the current (very short) article by Stiftung Warentest on the study is that the same study also shows that there are toothpastes that are free of heavy metals - including products based on sodium bicarbonate and cellulose. When asked by one of our long-term users, the agency confirmed:  

"If you want to avoid the natural heavy metal content in toothpaste alternatives, based on our research we recommend that you use products that contain, for example, sodium bicarbonate (SODIUM BICARBONATE) and cellulose as a base."  

This is exactly what applies to Denttabs - but also to the toothpaste tablets from our partners, such as dm-drogerie markt with their dontodent toothpaste tablets and i+m Naturkosmetik. We manufacture our toothpaste tablets according to the highest pharmaceutical standards (GMP). And they consist of a good 90% cellulose and sodium bicarbonate.  


It is very disappointing that the article from Stiftung Warentest, issue 08.24 (probably unintentionally) gives the impression that all alternatives to conventional toothpaste are inherently problematic - and that toothpaste is inherently the better choice. 😔  


By the way: It has just been revealed that some mouthwashes have a negative impact on the biome in the oral cavity and could even be carcinogenic - which makes it all the more important that we have transparent information about the safety of products. 🌍  


If you would like to know more about this topic , please feel free to contact us/me.  

Our statement as pdf: here

Axel Kaiser  

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