Kostenloser Versand ab 15€

Denttabs donates the VAT savings and packs on top! 

From today up to and including 31.12.2020, the VAT reduction from 19% to 16% applies. We at Denttabs have decided not to adjust the prices in our store but to support the sustainable tree-planting project of Treemer in Germany with the additional revenue resulting from the reduction.

The main ingredient of our Denttabs toothpaste tabs comes from trees - cellulose. The trees used for our tabs are sustainably managed, ensuring the continued existence of the forest and allowing it to continue to sequester CO2.

But that alone is not enough for us, and as a company, we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint as much as possible.

So last year, we already started to make various adjustments in our internal production chains and, for example, switched to grass-based cardboard boxes for shipping our Denttabs products, which have a much better CO2 profile than conventional recycled paper or similar.

Supporting the tree planting project of https://www.treemer.net/home.html should be another step to make our company greener and to take responsibility.

Why are tree planting and reforestation of agricultural land essential to us?
Trees bind CO2 that is harmful to the climate.
The earth's forests are the most significant carbon store on land and contribute significantly to stabilizing the climate, which is why reforestation and new planting are not only sensible but even necessary.

Deforestation and industrial and conventional agriculture are harmful to nature, with high levels of soil and groundwater pollution caused by monocultures and fertilizers.
It is precisely these areas that benefit extensively from reforestation because trees help to purify groundwater.

Another benefit is that trees and forests increase biodiversity and create new habitats for bees and other insects.

How does Denttabs want to support reforestation?

We have decided to donate the VAT savings to various packages of Treemer.
But this is not enough for us and we even double it!
That's why instead of 3%, we're donating as much as 6% of our sales from the online store that we generate until 12/31/2020 to www.treemer.net.

nd what does that mean for you when Denttabs donates the VAT savings?
There are no additional costs for you and you buy your Denttabs products at the previous regular price in our online store. In return, your purchase supports the tree planting project with a total of 6% - 3% from you and the other 3% we add on top - which we will donate at the end of the year and, of course, inform you about it transparently here on our website and social media.

Will you plant a tree with us? Head over to our Denttabs store here.

For more info on our sustainability efforts, check out the interview with our Sustainability Manager Nele here on the blog.

We look forward to your feedback and thank you for your support by buying Denttabs products.

#zerowaste greetings from Denttabs

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