How to make nourishing body oil yourself

We like it sustainable and we like it natural. Therefore, we want to make one or the other product for daily care ourselves and get the best for our skin and body with natural ingredients. How about a nourishing body oil for your skin? All it takes is two ingredients and a little time. We show you how to make an oil extract with almond oil and daisies.

Make oil extract yourself
Pure natural oils have many positive and especially caring properties. They usually have a high genuine content of vitamin E and antioxidants, which provide the skin with moisture or help the skin retain moisture and thus keep it elastic and supple.
If you now combine these with the valuable ingredients of herbs and plants, you get a wonderfully caring cosmetic product quickly and, above all, very cheaply—Vegan and 100% natural.

An oil extract can be produced in two ways, either by a so-called cold extract or by careful heating, whereby the oil-soluble active ingredients are dissolved from the plants.
The cold extract takes much longer to complete as you leave the plants in the oil for several weeks. At the same time, however, this variant is much gentler, as the majority of the active ingredients are retained, and temperature-sensitive vitamins are not affected.

Cold oil extract with daisies

Daisies are enriched with many vitamins A and C, many tannins, bitters and mucilages and minerals potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, which can help with minor injuries, blemishes or rashes. In addition, the oil produced is especially suitable for the care of stretch marks and sensitive, dry skin.

You can collect daisies in most meadows. Maybe you take care not to contain directly on a bustling street or dog run. 🙂
At home, carefully wash the daisies and remove any dust, etc., and then let them dry for 1-2 days. This reduces the water content and your oil will last much longer. You can then fill up the daisies with a base oil (e.g. almond or safflower oil) to completely cover all plant parts. As with everything else, pay attention to the origin and to a BIO quality with the oil. Your oil should be pure and natural.
A dark container with a screw cap is suitable for bottling, where the vitamins are preserved.

The oil should be kept closed, calm, and dark for the next few weeks. If possible, you should shake it a little every two to three days so that the active ingredients are better dissolved. In addition, this reduces the risk of mold growth and you can follow the process a bit. Your oil should remain as straightforward as possible and not become milky, slimy.

After a few weeks (at least six weeks), you can carefully strain your oil through a very fine sieve or a nut milk bag and separate the plant parts from the oil.
Store it in dark glass bottles.
The shelf life of your oil extract is based on the shelf life of your base oil.
However, you can extend it by adding vitamin E (drops). Vitamin E is a natural preservative, which prevents the oil from going rancid while helping your skin retain moisture.

Other options: Oil extract with calendula, arnica, thyme, lavender and many more.

Have fun making your oil extract and enjoy caring for your skin with 100% natural ingredients.

If you also want to switch to natural ingredients for dental care, browse through our Denttabs Shop and try our toothbrush tablets.

Your Denttabs Team

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