Every saved plastic package and every plastic-free alternative is a small step forward in the right direction. Sustainability in everyday life begins with little things that make a big difference. Today, we’ll show you seven ways for more sustainability that make a difference and help you significantly reduce your environmental footprint. Hand on heart: We have to do more if we want to change something long-term. Each of us can help to reduce his footprint and increase sustainability in everyday life. We do not have to stock up on all sorts of sustainable gadgets. Sustainability starts with elementary things.
7 Ways for more sustainability in everyday life
1. Use public transport or the bicycle.
Traveling by car is a real burden on the environment. Whenever you can, you should ideally switch to cycling or public transport. Especially in the big city you usually get faster from a to b.
2. Only buy what you need.
Especially when it comes to sustainability, we should rethink our consumption. What do I need, and what can I be without? Of course, sustainability does not mean throwing away intact things and replacing them with more sustainable alternatives. Use what you have, as long as it is usable, and exchange it only when necessary. Limiting the consumption to what we need saves money and significantly reduces our ecological footprint.
3. Pay attention to where you get your food from.
Especially with fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products, you should pay attention to where the food comes from. Regional stands for short transportation routes and fast transport routes mean saving CO2. While reducing your ecological footprint, you are also supporting regional farmers – and if the whole thing is still organic in quality, so much the better.
4. Lose less food
The eyes are big, the hunger mostly smaller. Often we buy more food than we consume in the end. Millions of tons of food end up in the trash every year. This does not have to be if we think about shopping in advance and only buy as much groceries as we can use. It helps to write a grocery list and know what you would like to cook at food shopping in the upcoming days.
5. Reduce your consumption of animal foods
Livestock farming causes significant amounts of greenhouse emissions. In addition, there are huge amounts of vegetable feed needed, which means vast areas for its cultivation. Decreasing or even eliminating your consumption of these foods will significantly reduce your environmental footprint.
6. Separate your trash correctly!
What sounds so banal makes a massive difference in the end. If we separate waste properly, it can be primarily recycled. Unfortunately, it still fails too much, and many dispose of waste partly unconsciously wrong. As a result, more recyclable waste ends up on the residual waste than necessary and will not be recycled. If you are unsure, check with a local waste disposal company and ask how best to dispose of trash for recycling. So you help the disposers in their work and the environment because a large part of the packaging material, etc., can be recycled and used again.
7. Share, exchange and give away.
You do not need something anymore, but is it still fully functional? Before you throw away and buy new things, ask friends, family, and colleagues if they need what you want to give away or if they can lend you what you need. Especially clothing that we do not like anymore does not just have to be thrown away while still wearable. Here you can make others an absolute joy. We hope that these tips will help you be more sustainable in your everyday life. Share your ideas with friends, acquaintances and your family, which things they can integrate into their day-to-day life or maybe have already changed to live more sustainably. Sharing helps not only you but also your environment.
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