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Here we go again, the big stress at Christmas time and the question: What can I give my loved ones? How about a good dose of sustainability this time? Because giving presents can also be sustainable, plastic-free and ecological.

We're not just talking about Denttabs, although everyone is happy to receive a bag of Denttabs under the Christmas tree, there's so much more you can do to give joy. In our article, we have collected some ideas for you and hope we can inspire you.

Can it also be a little sustainable at Christmas?

But of course. Especially friends and family who may not have found their way to sustainability yet, who are a bit overwhelmed by the abundance of options or who don't know exactly where to start, will be happy about a small sustainable care package under the Christmas tree. You can either give them a little joy by giving them a small sustainable and guaranteed plastic-free starter set or surprise them with homemade gifts.

Here is a small selection of great sustainable gifts for Christmas:

1. Sustainable lunch boxes & Co
Let's face it: almost everyone can use a lunchbox, a water bottle, or a storage tin. Why not in sustainable and plastic-free, such as the great products from ECO BROTBOX?
The sustainable alternatives made of stainless steel not only have the advantage that they are plastic-free, they are also dishwasher safe, very durable and versatile.
Right now, you can win a get-to-know set together with ECO BROTBOX on our Instagram channel. Be sure to check it out.

2. Stylish drinking bottles made of glass
Water, filled in disposable bottles, causes considerable amounts of disposable plastic every year, yet especially in Germany, the tap water is harmless and also tasty.
Switching to tap water is not only cost-effective but also particularly sustainable. And so that you don't have to go thirsty on the road, you can fill your drinks into stylish and robust glass bottles.
These are available, for example, from Soulbottles in Berlin. You can choose from a wide range of designs (since recently also made of stainless steel) and with every purchase, you even support the Viva Con Aqua project. Wouldn't that make a great gift?

3. Cotton bags for shopping
Goodbye plastic bags and hello sustainable cotton alternatives
These great bags are now available in various sizes - small, large, medium - and you can use them practically at the market or supermarket to pack fresh fruit and vegetables. If your loved one is getting into sustainability and zero waste, the cotton bags are the perfect starter gift for life without plastic - especially in the unpacked store. Shopping with them is highly convenient because the bags are usually already labeled with their weight.

4. Beeswax cloths
Cotton cloths coated with beeswax are a perfect, sustainable alternative to cling film or aluminum foil. They keep food, such as fruits and vegetables, and bread fresh for a long time and can be carefully washed off and thus used repeatedly. Beeswax towels are a great gift, for which everyone can find the application and with which you can certainly give a zero-waste newcomer a great pleasure.
By the way, it becomes more individual if you make the clothes yourself. All you need is some organic cotton and beeswax.

5. Safety razor
Disposable razors produce, like plastic toothbrushes, annually worldwide mountains of waste, but the disposable razor can be easily replaced by a razor plane. These are available in stainless steel or even in fine wood and bamboo. With a razor, you only change the blades regularly, which saves a lot of waste and even money.
A razor with wood is available, for example, from ECO YOU.

6. Make-up removal pads, cotton swabs and co.
Make-up remover pads and cotton buds don't sound very sexy for a Christmas present? However, the mountain of garbage caused by the disposable versions is not quite as sexy either. Daily facial care requires a utensil or two now and then, so why not turn to sustainable, plastic-free alternatives?
Makeup removal pads are made of fabric and can be washed. This means they can be used over and over again - pop them in the washing machine and good to go.
By the way, you can also sew the pads yourself and personalize them for the recipient.

7. Bath chocolates, natural body oils and CO.
Speaking of body care: Have you ever made natural care for face and body yourself. It's much easier than you think, fun, sustainable, inexpensive and the recipient is guaranteed to enjoy your lovingly homemade pampering products.
Best of all, you can make beauty products from 100% natural ingredients, so you know exactly what's in them, customize them for your loved ones, give yourself a gift at the same time, and all without plastic.
Be inspired by our DIY tutorials. Here we have already shown a nourishing body oil and a natural deodorant to make yourself. Click your way in.

8. Denttabs toothpaste tabs & bamboo toothbrushes
Of course, we can not be missing in the list of sustainable gifts. How about an annual set for your loved ones this year? Be sure to check out our Denttabs Shop.

9. Time together
The best gift at Christmas is time. Time spent together with loved ones and time taken for and with family, friends and partners. That's why we think that homemade gifts that you have made, baked, sewn, crocheted, painted or crafted with love and patience or shared experiences are still the most beautiful gifts of all.
Time is so precious that there is no material equivalent for it. A great experience together doesn't have to cost anything but can stay with you for a long time.
It could hardly be more sustainable.

Therefore, we wish you and your loved ones an especially beautiful, contemplative and above all peaceful Christmas season.

Your Denttabs Team

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