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Gründer Axel Kaiser über Nachhaltigkeit

Founder Axel Kaiser on sustainability

With Denttabs in an interview with interesting people who have a lot to say about sustainability and with whom we would like to discuss exciting projects and opinions. Our interview series kicks off with Denttabs founder and CEO Axel Kaiser....

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Bambus: Ein nachhaltiger Rohstoff der Natur

Bamboo – a sustainable raw material

Bamboo is a sustainable raw material that can be used very efficiently both from an economic and ecological point of view. Much discussed and criticized, it represents one of the most sustainable, natural raw materials due to its properties and...

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Nachhaltige Geschenke – Unsere Empfehlungen für ein garantiert plastikfreies Weihnachtsfest

Sustainable Gifts - Our Recommendations for a plastic-free christmas

Here we go again, the big stress at Christmas time and the question: What can I give my loved ones? How about a good dose of sustainability this time? Because giving presents can also be sustainable, plastic-free and ecological. We're...

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DIY: Plastikfrei durch die Weihnachtszeit

DIY: Plastic-free Christmas season

Plastic-free Christmas season: Have you ever made a Christmas wreath out of an old cotton shirt? No? Then grab a warm tea, cookies and be mindful because we have a Christmas and especially plastic-free DIY for you in the bag....

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Wie du einen kraftvollen Zitronen-Reiniger herstellst

How to make a strong lemon cleanser

If life gives you lemons, make a juice out of them and a powerful cleanser out of the peels. That's how mum put it, right? In any case, we know that lemon is excellent for cleaning surfaces without streaks.

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Plastikfreien WC Reiniger selbst herstellen

Make your own plastic free toilet cleaner

When we talk about being sustainable in everyday life and in the household, it is all about doing it without unnecessary chemical pellets and plastic. Cleaning is also environmentally friendly and even grandma knew that there are good, natural home...

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Wie du ein natürliches Deo selbst herstellen kannst

DIY How to make your own plasticfree deodorant

Did you know that you can make deodorants quickly, easily and guaranteed plastic-free at home? We have a DIY for you on how to make deodorant cream yourself. The Deodorant cream comes without plastic, artificial fragrance, – colorings and preservatives....

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7 Wege für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag

7 Ways to be more sustainable in your daily life

Every saved plastic package and every plastic-free alternative is a small step forward in the right direction. Sustainability in everyday life begins with little things that make a big difference. Today, we’ll show you seven ways for more sustainability that...

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Wie du pflegendes Körperöl selbst herstellst

How to make nourishing body oil yourself

We like it sustainable and we like it natural. Therefore, we want to make one or the other product for daily care ourselves and get the best for our skin and body with natural ingredients. How about a nourishing body...

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